Training Feeling Stale? Book a Training & Nutrition Consult

by | Oct 11, 2018 | Nutrition, Training

Looking to take your endurance training to the next level, but not sure where to start? Have a nagging saddle sore or chafing issue that just won’t go away? Can’t get your gut on the right track, and wrecking workouts because of stomach pain or a lack of energy? Training feeling stale lately? Eating clean just feeling confusing? I’ve been there, coached athletes through that, and written books and articles covering pretty much every training and nutrition topic imaginable—but sometimes, an article doesn’t hone in on exactly what you’re dealing with.

I was at Joyride150 last weekend and realized after doing a Q&A (and staying in the room to chat with a few different women afterwards) that so many people, especially women, are having issues with training, nutrition and comfort on the bike, but don’t really know where to start changing things. Some of the advice I had was obvious—get a bike fit—but a lot of what we talked about were small things they could be changing on the daily, like switching up morning routines and making calendar changes to allow for smarter training.

That’s why I wanted to start offering consults: this is the same story I’ve heard over and over, in the dozens of talks that I’ve given and clinics that we’ve run. Often, you don’t need a full-time coach, or even a new training plan. You need a little bit of direction, which may not come in the form of a super-specific calendar of workouts. You need to tweak what you’re already working with, and make some minor changes before starting to think about sweeping changes like swapping coaches/bikes/sneakers or adding pricey new gear. Let’s talk it out and figure out what you really need to change, tweak or work on!

Who It’s For: Any level of endurance athlete—cyclist, runner or triathlete—feeling like training isn’t going the way they’d hoped, or wanting some guidance on nutrition (in and outside of sport), or dealing with an ‘awkward’ issue (usually related to things like saddle sores or persistent numbness) that’s getting in the way of enjoying training and/or life!

What You Get: A 30-minute phone consult on nutrition, training and/or female-specific ‘awkward’ questions, followed up with a PDF document outlining the key points from the call and what you should be focusing on. I’ll also include links to relevant books/articles/podcasts (not just my own!) so you have plenty of reference for further info. We’ll get you moving in the right direction!

Price: $50 for 30 minute phone call & follow-up outline

Interested? Click here to book a consult.

About Molly: Cycling and running are my passions—in addition to running The Outdoor Edit and writing for Bicycling, Outside and MapMyRun (among others), I’m the author of Saddle, Sore: Ride Comfortable, Ride Happy and Fuel Your Ride. I’m also certified USA Cycling coach and Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified, and we travel the country giving talks and hosting clinics and camps around riding, racing, training, nutrition and women’s issues. (I’m also a Fast and Female Sport Expert!)


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