Tara Stiles, Strala Yoga and Cycling: From the Bicycling Mag Files

by | Dec 28, 2015 | Training

One of the coolest parts about being a write-at-large for Bicycling magazine (technically, my title in the mag is “inseguitori,” which is Italian for chase group, since Editor-in-Chief Bill Strickland says I spend my time chasing cool story ideas) is the fact that I get to hunt down people I admire and really want to meet and talk to, and interview them on a regular basis.

A few months ago, I stumbled on Tara Stiles’ yoga videos, and started doing them every day as part of a goal to do more yoga. After watching more and more of her stuff and reading her blog and interviews with her, I really wanted to meet her to find out how she balances all of her rad jobs (yoga teaching, teacher training, collaborations with companies like Reebok, cookbook writing, video filming, and keeping a general aura of friendly zen). So, I headed to NYC to take one of her classes and interview her for Bicycling. It was amazing! She’s super warm and fun, and really fun to chat with. We talked about food and yoga, plus some stuff about general day-to-day productivity.

You can check out my interview about yoga and how it’s great for cyclists over at Bicycling (plus a video!!), and stay tuned for some stuff on here about how she balances her life, and another article for Bicycling about her rad cookbook and eating philosophies—she’s a fairly serious vegan, but not a pushy one, which I really appreciated.


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