Take Action on Tired Legs

by | Oct 17, 2019 | Training

Take Action on Tired Legs

This is a post from the Consummate Athlete Newsletter – Get all the articles and updates on clinics – upcoming events and podcast info by signing up here

We are through some of the first big races and anyone who was stranded indoors in the ‘suffer-festival’ has been freed for long enough to accumulate some fatigue.

If you haven’t balanced your hard and/or long training with sufficient nutrition and/or recovery than your body will rebel in a number of ways, often resulting in that feeling of tired legs. It may be you haven’t increased your nutrition to match increased training or that your life has not provided sufficient sleep and down time to absorb your hard training.

Here are 3 things that you can TAKE ACTION ON to ensure your season stays on track:

1) Add Protein and Carbohydrate to each meal – if eating 3 or less meals add 1 more meal with a whole protein and carbohydrate source. MyFitnessPal is an app that can help you quantify your rough numbers but I prefer clients work from their ‘normal’ and try a week eating a bit more at each meal OR adding a meal.

2) Take 2 days per week completely off and walk for at least 30 minutes. Plan your hard training the day after so you are well rested.

3) Sleep – This is becoming almost as cliche in the media as ‘sitting is like smoking’ but if you are having trouble with energy, tired legs, heart rate depression or similar symptoms try going to bed 30 minutes earlier in a dark room with ear-plugs and an eye-shade. Those that listen never go back and see huge difference – TRY IT!


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