Sports Nutrition and All About Carbs with Dietitian Gemma Sampson

by | Mar 21, 2020 | Nutrition

We just had sports dietitian Gemma Sampson on The Consummate Athlete Podcast—and in person, we had her cooking and chatting at our women’s gravel camp we just finished hosting. This is one of my favorite nutrition episodes because we go from pretty broad topics to some super-niche questions, and Gemma is the kind of expert I love. Rather than having all the answers in simple buzzword-style fashion, she does what many of the people I trust the most do: She says “It depends.” (She does go on to give actual advice, but I appreciate someone who is willing to discuss complexities rather than act like everyone is exactly the same.)

So, give the episode a listen…. And as always, let us know what you think by leaving us a rating or review on iTunes! Those ratings/reviews really do help us book big guests on the show, and as we’re getting into Year 3 of running the podcast, we’re looking even harder at what the future holds for it, so if you’ve found yourself tuning in over the last couple years, please share the love.

Click for shownotes: Sports Nutrition & Carbs with Gemma Sampson

You can download, rate and review over on iTunes here

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