Some Hiking Advice—and New Legging Day!

by | Mar 4, 2017 | Training

As most people who read this blog know, I’m heavily into hiking and walking these days. In my insanely overtrained youth, I wasn’t a fan. Too slow. And before that, when I was a slacker to the Nth degree when it came to fitness, I just wasn’t into doing anything. Now, I freaking love rounding out a day with a normal, reasonable length workout (longer lately thanks to Ironman training, but still!), followed up with a walk to do an errand. And on chill days, there’s nothing better than a hiking date with Peter, since our hiking/walking paces are the same, compared to the effort it takes me to keep up with his recovery pace on the bike (roughly my endurance pace, to be honest). Hiking gives us a good chance to get out in nature, talk through some work stuff, chat and catch up on normal stuff, and just enjoy each other’s company.

Trying to get into hiking/walking more? Couple suggestions for you:

Have a destination

It’s a lot easier to get out for a walk if you have to go for an errand, so find a reason. Return a library book, walk to the post office, go to the corner store for the milk you forgot. Just get moving!

Download some good podcasts

(And I don’t just mean The Consummate Athlete!) Seriously: my whole take on walking/hiking changed when I found podcasts (or audiobooks, same idea). Suddenly, I wasn’t just walking, I was learning! I find my whole day improves when I’m jamming on a cool podcast (usually something cheesy about personal productivity). I come back super energized and ready to get down to business.

Bring your phone

For one of two reasons: first of all, I also love using walks for making calls, and catching up with my sister or parents. But second: hiking helps me work through problems and writer’s block in a way that harder exercise often doesn’t, because I’m able to think easier and be more focused on thinking rather than surviving. It’s nice to have a phone to jot down notes in this case.

Go on a date

A friend date is arguably even better than a date-date for this! Whenever I’m home, I drag my sister out on a walk, and it’s the time that we get the chattiest. At home, we get distracted or we’re just watching TV in the same room, not really talking. But on a walk, all we can do is talk.

… Or just meditate

Some of the most stressful times I’ve had were quieted by just going for a walk in nature sans headphones and sans people—just me, my thoughts and utter silence. Holy moly, does it make a difference. I’m not great at straight meditation, but I find it’s really easy to clear my mind when I’m just out on the trails.

But on another note… These leggings! I was pretty excited when I saw the colors that Toad & Co were using in their Spring catalogue—they weren’t a brand I was super familiar with, but flipping through it, the ‘Sangria’ option really caught my eye. I’ve been eyeing up leggings from another brand that featured a zip-pocket, and when I saw that the Versatrail leggings had a zip pocket and back pockets, I was hooked. I’m also a sucker for this color lately, and after getting called goth all through cyclocross season, I’ve been trying to add a teensy bit more color on occasion… but black and gray are still my go-tos!

Anyway, I’ve been super stoked with how these fit: high-waisted, but not obnoxiously so, and definitely not too tight in the waist—a few brands have been doing a little more Spanx-style high-waistbands, but I am categorically opposed to that, since comfort is king with me. They’ve gone into heavy rotation in my walking wardrobe (and, let’s be honest, my everyday wardrobe—the beauty of working from wherever we happen to be!)

Ed. Note: Leggings gifted by Toad & Co


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