Q &A – Christmas Challenge, Crosstrain in city, Nerves, Backpacks, tri-bikes,

by | Dec 19, 2017 | Training

This week is a Q & A and some review/highlights from the 2017 episodes of The Consummate Athlete Podcast.

Great questions from a variety of sports, activities this week – thanks for questions! Submit for Jan 2018 Q&A at

Please feel free to post questions or comments on the consummate athlete facebook page! or Tweet at us—@mollyjhurford and @peterglassford 

Check out the Show Notes at
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Show Notes and Links mentioned in the Episode:


Last one of 2017!
500 min of movement (between 12/24-12/31)
The Consummate Athlete podcast is challenging you to aim for 500 minutes of MOVEMENT. This could be a family walk/hike, Yoga with a friend, your workout of the day, strength or getting out cross-country skiing.
You choose just aim for 63 minutes for each day this 8 day holiday week (December 24 – Dec 31s).
It is a tough goal but also flexible to shift your time around and your sport/intensity.
Let’s make this an active holiday!
Find details and feel free to post your adventures to the Consummate Athlete Facebook Page
And/or Use the Hashtag #ConsummateAthleteChristmas
Best photos/posts/adventures will get prizes! — nuun, Clif bar, Fuel Your Ride, Saddle, Sore, and a three-month training plan all up for grabs!
1) Favorite book of 2017 
2) favorite podcast of 2017 (episode) 
3) what is in your backpack? 
Peter: front receipts pocket, + have condiments, coffee-buddy, Nuun tabs, bars, protein powder etc, then chargers/cables pocket, then laptop/books/notebook pocket, then wallet/passport wallet
4) What is x-train? What about if in the city? (cant’ snowshoe) why should I? 
 – Molly Mentions JasYoga
  – Peter mentions Ryan Leech connection – Ryan also leaves us with a code for 1 month free trial on Code ‘ryan1’ )
 – Scott Hastie episode on Ultimate Frisbee 
5)  Should I set a New Years resolution?
6) Buying a cheap tri bike on Craigslist? (Vs road bike etc)
  – get a good road bike and a bike fit (check out Dundas Speedshop if near Ontario, Canada)
  – optimize power, weight and bike function.
  – get coaching in limiter sport
7) Hi Molly asking from a slightly left-field perspective, I play skittles ( think British smaller ten pin bowling) and although for fun, but get a bad case of the nerves, meaning I’m anxious before, during and after. To the point where I can’t sign the scorecard as my hands are shaking so much. I had the same problem when I take part in cyclocross and mtb races. So it is something related to competition. 
So do you have any advice, information and thoughts as I would like to control this. 
8) Favorite fitness/adventure gifts you want to give or get?

Connect with Molly and Peter

Tweet at us—@mollyjhurford and @peterglassford 

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