Need Some Structure, But Not Too Much? Try This 2-Month Maintenance Plan

by | Oct 12, 2020 | Training

If you’re craving a bit of structure to your training right now, but you also know that you’re heading into a stressful time with work (or doing remote schooling with your kids, or you’re prepping for a busy holiday season), this 2-Month Training Maintenance Plan for when life gets crazy may help. The aim of this plan is simple: To help you maintain your fitness and do what you can with the time that you do have.

The details:

  • This can be done indoors, outdoors or as a mix
  • Includes some quick and flexible core, yoga and meditation to round out your schedule and provide a mix of activity
  • Includes Downloads for smart trainers or bike computers
  • Low time requirement with options to adjust or reduce as required by your schedule
  • Can be followed if you use power, HR or RPE (Feeling)
  • Cost: $37 USD

Get the training plan here:

2 Month Maintenance Plan training peaks

Prefer something a bit more custom for your hectic schedule? You can get a 3-month 100% Made For You Plan for $99 here!


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