Links to Help in your Leadville Training Preparation

by | Jul 26, 2013 | Training

I had a call with a master’s rider hoping to ride Leadville and we talked about how important it is for ‘normal’ people to focus on being healthy (sleep, social, food) before trying to cram training into every free moment of the day.  Specificity was also a huge component of our talk. Riding in groups on the road won’t get you the really key fitness you need to ride up loose gravel double track or pedal constantly for 1-2hrs at a time. But afterwards, I realized there are a lot of other great resources I wanted to share with him. I often go looking for links when talking to clients about Leadville, here are some of the most common and helpful:


GU CEO Maps out Leadville Nutrition -> while I would do some things differently this is a great template to think through what the day will take and make sure you start fueling early, before you start feeling bad.

Race Leadville Faster Without Training More

How to Win Leadville, Dave Weins   and part 2

Leadville MTB Training Plans

New York Times: ‘Weins on beating lance armstrong’

Weins vs. Lance Leadville Video 


And I always tell clients to just do a video and image source to get a sense of the terrain and how the race tends to play out:

Youtube Videos of Leadville 100

Google Images of Leadville 100

And of course, Leadville 100 race registration and info



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