How to Start Running—For Real

by | Jun 18, 2020 | Training

I’m really excited about this piece aabout how to start running that I wrote over on The Everygirl–it’s a bit of a departure for me since I’m usually preaching to the choir.. That is, I’m usually writing about running for people who’ve already gotten through the ‘getting started’ phase. But this time, I got to write about the first steps to running, if you’re the person who’s wanted to try running but have tried and failed multiple times. Because that was me! It took me a few dozen times getting started (sweaty, miserable times) before it finally became habitual, and if not easy, slightly less awful. This piece pulls together everything I wish I had known when I was getting going, and I honestly think that if I had this advice, I would have gotten into the running habit LOOOOONG before I finally did! Give it a look and share with someone you know who wants to run but just can’t get going.

How to Start Running If You’re Not a Runner

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