How To Do A Push-Up… And It Doesn’t Involve Knees.

by | Jan 15, 2019 | Training

Doing a pushup is just one of those markers of health that I really like. (Similar to doing a pull-up.) It indicates you have a reasonably strong core, arms and legs, and generally, being able to do a few is a solid indicator of a healthy body composition. But I know SO MANY PEOPLE (especially women) who don’t/won’t/can’t do pushups, and every time I’m in a fitness class and see (again, mostly women) do the drop-the-knees style pushups, I want to cringe. Even if those are challenging for you, those pushup modifications can’t go any further. You’re SO much better to do a pushup leaning against the wall, and working your way down. Over on Nylon, I wrote a whole series of progressions that take you from zero to pumping out pushups in just a few weeks. It’s super gradual, but leads to huge results. So if you’re struggling to do a few pushups in a row, check this progression out and let me know how it goes!

Click to read: How To (Finally) Do A Push-up



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