How I Prepped for the UA Mountain Running 50KM Race… That’s Happening Tomorrow

by | Aug 24, 2018 | Training


So, I have my main race of the season happening tomorrow starting at 7AM, and I’ll be honest, I have no idea how it’s going to go. Last year, we did Ironman, which was nuts, but at least I had context for that. This—a 50 kilometer mountain run with 3000 meters of climbing—is completely outside of my comfort zone. I’ve done as much training as I could, and of course, I wish I had done more, but I feel pretty confident that I trained enough. I’m as recovered as I’ve ever been, feeling good, feeling motivated, and I think I’m ready to go. I know it’s going to be a long day, and I’m looking forward to it.

And I’m also freaking out. But that’s not the point here… I wanted to just post this piece I wrote for MapMyRun about the prep that I’ve done for this first ultra.

I’m also re-listening to our podcast with Sarah Cotton, an ultra-runner, and Julian Carr, a mountain runner, for some inspiration and last minute advice! (And listening to my own advice about pre-race jitters…)

Click here to read: How a Regular Runner is Getting Ready For Her First 50K

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