Free “Saddle, Sore” resource for Juniors and their Parents.

by | May 6, 2014 | Training

Please check out Molly’s offering for females and their parents/coaches etc. This is a great resource that deals with issues that can be sometimes difficult to discuss.

I am finding this book, and now this free edition for juniors, to be a great stepping stone in opening up the communication lines and providing more education on things like Hygiene, Menstruation and Skin irritation. It is important that coaches and athletes are talking about these difficult subjects and that we are familiar with options to best handle them should they come up. Many of these things are relatively minor but left unattended and not discussed can affect training, recovery and health.

I also am finding that guys can learn a fair bit from this book. Learning more about some of the different concerns that the female riders in their lives might deal with and the applicable topics like saddle, sores and washing clothes is not a bad idea.


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