I interviewed paracyclist, 8-time Paralympic medalist and all-around badass Oksana Masters for Bicycling magazine and oh my gosh, it was a good interview. Honestly, her perspective on food (and coffee) made me feel like she was my foodie soulmate. And this tip about how she’s prepping for Tokyo was pure genius:
“With the Olympics in Tokyo, I’ve been staying motivated by adding Japanese seasonings to my food. I use a lot of Japanese sesame oil. So when I cook my eggs, I make sure to put sesame oil in. The same applies to chicken. Something that I learned the hard way with my first Paralympic Games was that you’re in a new country and your gut isn’t used to certain flavors and seasonings and oils. Now, I try to get my body used to things like the kimchi and other fermented foods and the oils that they will cook with. Otherwise, the food can be such a shock from American culture and food. It’s also helpful in staying motivated and excited.”
Click here to read the whole interview:
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