Do You Need a Break from the Trainer?

by | Jan 15, 2022 | Training

Over on, I wrote about 5 ways to tell if you need a break from the trainer this winter. It’s an easy trap to fall into, not taking any time off because… well, you don’t have to! But trust us, taking a few days off the trainer might be just what you need.

For example…

Youre developing any kind of skin issues

Saddle sores are sadly quite common when you spend a lot of hours on the trainer, because unlike riding outside, you are less likely to move around on the bike, standing, hovering, or even just shifting in the saddle. And even the best fan setup is rarely aerating your nether regions as well as a good breeze outside will, so you’re likely a bit sweatier than usual down there. And you may not be wearing your bib shorts correctly (i.e you’re wearing them with the straps down) which can lead to them moving around in ways that cause more chafing. This can all lead to saddle sores or even just heat rash on your thighs and butt, or even chest and back if you don’t have a good fan setup. The best way to deal with skin issues is to take a few days off to let your skin recover.

Click here to read the rest! 


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