Are You Sabotaging Your Healthy Lifestyle?

by | Oct 10, 2019 | Training

Over on Nylon, I had THE BEST time writing and investigating ways that we, as super healthy fitness-y types, are probably still sabotaging our best efforts to lead those healthy lifestyles. If you’re reading this, you can probably guess a couple of them—going into a new class and going absolutely HAM, hopping from one fad diet to the next, but there were a few unexpected ones that I really dug. And I’m totally guilty of sabotaging myself, often with being super-strict about something/going too hard, and then getting SUPER lazy after the going gets tough or I get sore once. It’s taken me a decade to get out of that cycle, and I’m in the business of fitness! So, check it out and LMK if any of these strike a chord for you.

Click to read: Are You Sabotaging Your Healthy Lifestyle?

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