Apps to Improve sleep by minimizing blue light from screens

by | Mar 27, 2018 | Training

A Common question is how to improve sleep, perhaps by reducing screen time or ‘blue light’ exposure. This can be an easy adjustment to make on most devices, some changes are ‘native’ while others require you to download an APP. Reducing the screen time especially, and to a lesser extent, the brightness/blue light could possibly help reduce sleep disruption from screens.

Molly and I talked about our favorite apps and routines for productivity on this episode of the Consummate Athlete Podcast

While the stimulation (or stress) from emails and other online content can be a bigger issue than light the reality is some of us need or want to be on screens later at night. To reduce light exposure try these apps. The color on your screen will change when it ‘shifts’ to night mode, but most people adjust and don’t notice after a minute or two.

I find the light to be ‘campfire like’ and as it dims around 5 pm (or sunset) it is a good ‘stop reminder’ for me to shut down for the day and focus on family/friends and getting outside for some activity.

Flu.x is a popular App for PC and available for IOS

How To Use nightshift mode on iPhone 

Open settings on iPhone, scroll to display & brightness, select “NIGHT SHIFT”,  can schedule or turn on once and select the ‘screen temperature’ (I run mine quite dim all day and very dim at night)

for Google this is another app to adjust your screen :


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