A Quick Summary of Habits for Highly Effective Runners

by | May 22, 2019 | Training

I’ve written a ton about habits of highly effective athletes, and I do think they’re worth the deep dive, but over on MapMyRun, I got the chance to break down the best habits for highly effective runners into really simple bite-sized pieces that you can quickly reference. Taking a cue from the amazing Stephen Covey’s OG 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (which, PS, you can currently read for free if you have Amazon Prime!!), I looked at it through a running lens. For instance, when it comes to “Seek first to understand, then to be understood,” that flipped to sharing the running love with the people around you:

“One of the fastest ways to enjoy running — and get faster! — is to find a crew of like-minded runners to hang out with. They’ll be the friends who understand you, whether you’re talking about nipple chafing and pre-race port-a-potty emergencies or discussing dealing with injury or sharing tips on how to tackle a certain hill interval. Share that love of running, and it will come back to you tenfold.”

Click here to read all 7 Habits for Highly Effective Runners

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