I’m gonna be real honest here: I’m struggling a lot to find my running motivation, groove, spark, whatever you want to call it right now. I’m not really super focused on competing, so the lack of races right now is annoying but not the end of the world. But the general anxiety, stress, and (I admit) chilly, wet weather happening right now along with a ton of work… Well, it adds up to a distinct lack of get-up-and-go. Luckily, I had an article that I’d written a couple months back to turn to, and it honestly helped me.
Right now, I know I just need to get my butt out the door and once I’m going, I’m FINE. I’m not amazing, but I’m doing OK. And right now, that’s enough. If you’re in the same boat, give the article a read:
8 Ways to Get Your Running Spark Back
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