6 Things New Cyclists Need to Know

by | Apr 29, 2020 | Training

With more and more people out on their bikes right now, we’ve noticed a lot of unsafe and downright uncomfortable riding. So, you finally pulled that bike out of the garage or grabbed a stationary bike off CraigsList because COVID-19 has forced you to get creative with exercise, or you finally have the time to actually start riding again…

Ride with traffic

Not against it. (And right now, with social distancing, PLEASE give pedestrians room—check to make sure there’s no traffic behind you, and if you’re clear, get closer to the center of the road rather than passing close.)

road safety

Check your tire pressure

Even if your tires look like they have air in them, you should be checking them every few days and likely adding a few pumps of air to them, as they will deflate over time. Especially important when your tires and tubes are older!

Stick to quiet roads

Until you’ve been riding for a few days, try to stick to quiet roads and less-traveled areas as you re-remember how to look over your shoulder for traffic, maneuver around corners and stop and start easily. These skills come back fast but if you haven’t ridden in a while, it might feel weird at first.

No underwear with bike shorts

I write about this in my book “Saddle, Sore: Ride Comfortable, Ride Happy” so if you have any kind of ‘down there’ on bike issues, check out a copy of that, but in general, the rule is: NO UNDERWEAR WITH BIKE SHORTS. Not just for a panty-line issue, but because the chamois (pad) on the shorts is meant to fight friction and it’s made with antimicrobial material that is supposed to be directly against your skin.

Not every day has to be all-out

That’s right, not every day should be a hammer-fest. Not sure how to get started with a reasonable training schedule? Check out this simple training plan for beginners. Or, consider booking a call with coach Peter Glassford to talk through how you should be training right now.

Have fun!

Be a kid again—explore new places, wave at people you pass, enjoy your time on the bike. Don’t think of it as some exercise you have to be doing, think of it as a recreational activity that you get to enjoy!

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