5 Ways to Save Money on Backpacking Food—Plus a Bonus Tip!

by | Jul 7, 2019 | Nutrition

Over on Outside’s website, I just wrote an article all about top ways to Save Money on Backpacking Food. It was perfect timing, since we’re heading back to Killarney for another hike/run of La Cloche in July and in September (eek!) and both times, we’ll be at the park for a few days and on the trail for the bulk of it. Finally, we’re going to invest in a camp stove. I am excited. Anyway, the article was super fun to write (and to consider, since most of the options are foods I love but don’t eat at home because not exactly healthy.)

My friend and avid hiker Kendra Allenby also had one more suggestion to add, so I’m putting it here as a bonus! “About 2.5 months into our 5.5 month hike my body revolted and needed some “real” food. With the help of a pot cozy (STRONG recommendation for any long hike) we were able to cook some more robust foods without running through fuel. We started buying more polenta (a favorite – quick cooking, cheep, filling, great with cheddar cheese), quinoa, wild rice, quick cook faro or other quick cook grains when we could find them. With the pot cozy, you just need to plan ahead so you’re not too hungry/angry and we also would cold soak some of the more robust stuff in a peanut butter jar during the afternoon miles. All these foods are real cheap, especially if you can find any kind of a bulk section. Something more nutritious like this once or twice a week really helped even out all the Annies mac and cheese and dried potatoes we were eating. Also huge shoutout to the cooked, dried beans you can get from online places.”

Click to read: 5 Ways to Save Money on Backpacking Food


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