5 Easy, Foolproof Ways to Make Sweet Potatoes

by | Sep 19, 2020 | Nutrition

If you know Peter, you know that his secret weapon as an athlete is the humble sweet potato. They’re his go-to source of carbohydrates, they’re sweet, they’re savory, they’re basically the ultimate base when it comes to making a meal. And he often is asked by clients how to make them. This might sound like a weird topic for an article here, but if you can find a healthy go-to carb like this, your cooking life will be a lot easier. Check out his five methods for making the perfect sweet potato with minimal fuss.

1st fastest sweet potato method -> Microwave

We aren’t sure why, but this is a game changer for a lot of people.

  • Many microwaves have a ‘potato’ button … press it twice and put 1 potato in and it almost always will be pretty close. Add a minute or two as required at end.
  • Poke a hole in it and put it in a microwave for 4-8 minutes (if under a beer bottle size it is closer to 4 and as it gets bigger then beer bottle closer to 8min)
  • Top it with cinnamon, salt hot sauce and/or mustard for easy/low cal flavor  (to taste)
  • Add eggs, meat, veggies etc. to taste
  • For sweet tooth types: this is actually really tasty with a bit of nut butter, cinnamon and a few chocolate chips on top as well

2nd fastest sweet potato method -> Fry

  • Takes around 20min with ~4 min of work (I often leave this going on low while I do some morning core/calisthenics/stretching)
  • Cut up into ‘chips’ and fry, on low, covered with coconut oil
  • Add eggs and spinach to the same pan for easy breakfast

This is also fantastic when topped with Molly’s favorite easy DIY salad dressing:

Making Salad + Vegetables Taste Better for Veggie-Haters: Tips and Recipes


3rd fastest sweet potato method -> Bake

  • Bake 4+ while making another meal and keep them in a Tupperware!
  • If doing a bulk bake, don’t over cook them (ie. to the point there are juices running) as this usually is not as good the second day when you reheat or eat cold. Just cook until tender.
  • If doing for that one meal, going until there are juices running is a great way to add sweetness, as it begins to carmelize

4th option – slow cooker

  • throw a hunk of meat and BIG chunks of sweet potato and onion, maybe some celery in a slow cooker and let it go on low
  • sweet potato will get pretty soft here, so if you can add them in last 2-4hrs for better texture

5th option – BBQ

  • cut into lengthwise pieces … this is somewhat dangerous to do with a knife … cut a flat edge initially then leave that face down to provide more stability
  • cut thin slices and place the long ‘slabs’ on the bbq… for some reason these are more delicious and easier to handle on a grill then ‘chip’ cut.


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