Simple, Healthy Vegan Recipes for Athletes

by | Mar 19, 2019 | Nutrition

As some of you may know, I started my ‘athletic career’ as a vegan… and admittedly, a VERY unhealthy one. (I mean, I was driving to Brooklyn to get vegan fast food several times a week. From New Jersey. Also, Oreos and Mountain Dew = totally vegan. I’m not proud of this.) While I’m no longer eating a vegan diet, I am fascinated with vegan cooking and how far vegan nutrition has come. (Currently, obsessed with Vega’s Cold Brew Coffee flavored vegan protein powder.) I’ve been psyched that in the last couple months, I’ve been able to talk to some amazing athletes who are freaking crushing it on a vegan diet. It’s super inspiring, and I’ve started using most of these recipes in my everyday life—I’m not saying I’ll shift back to being a full-time vegan, but eating more plant-based is something I’m absolutely trying to do. So if you’re looking to lower your animal product consumption, or you’re already a vegan and trying to balance your ideals with the demands of your athletic lifestyle, check out these recipes over on Outside:

For recipes to make at home, check out this article on Outside

For recipes to make while hiking/backpacking, check out this article on Outside 

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