Becoming A Consummate Athlete

Our book helps build the habits you need to crush your goals and live a healthy, adventurous life.

Unlock Your Athletic Potential

We wrote Becoming a Consummate Athlete book to encapsulate all of our core concepts around training, racing, gear, goal-setting and building the strongest, healthiest version of you while going after those big finish lines in sport. It’s the culmination of over 30 combined years of research and observation, including thousands of hours interviewing experts and professional athletes and actually seeing how different training modalities worked for real life athletes who’ve worked with us.

A book titled "becoming a consummate athlete" by molly hurford & peter glassford stands upright on a desk. the cover features a stylized mountain and cyclist graphic.

Transform Your Habits and Achieve Athletic Success with Our Proven Strategies

Tired of training and not getting wins? Feeling a lack of motivation, or that there just isn’t enough time to do it all? Missing when sport felt fun?If you’ve been training for an endurance sport like cycling or running but find yourself feeling stuck or not getting the results that you want, your daily habits might be to blame. Being an all-around athletic, healthy human capable of tackling any outdoor adventure—a Consummate Athlete, if you will—takes smart training and thoughtful lifestyle choices. In this book, you’ll learn new ways to look at your recovery, fueling, training, record keeping and even your gear in order to help you reach your athletic goals while actually enjoying your healthy lifestyle. Longtime endurance sport coach and kinesiologist Peter Glassford and his equally athletic wife, author and fellow coach Molly Hurford are going to change the way you view your training. Remember: You are an athlete, and you owe it to yourself to start living like one!

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