It’s funny how a small piece of gear can be the difference between having a really enjoyable race day versus a total $hitshow of a race day. A...
Search Results
How to Feel Like a Pro at Your Next Race (Even If You’re Back-of-the-Pack)
Some readers may remember the article I posted a few years back titled, "Luck favors the prepared." Well, I still stand by it, and it's a huge piece...
Organizing Your Cyclocross Gear for Less Mess (and Mud)
READER QUESTION: Can you maybe do something on how to organize your gear for cyclocross? I feel like my vehicle is a disaster and disorganized...
Active Travel for the Consummate Athlete
how to live, work, train and stay healthy on the road
Last Minute Gifts for Athletes in Your Life
So it’s almost time for the gift exchange and you completely lost track of time and forgot to get a gift for the cyclist/runner/athlete in your...
Organizing Your In-Ride Food and Hydration—Kitchen Cleanout
If you're anything like us, you probably have a random drawer or two or three that houses your in-run or in-ride food and hydration mix. Maybe it's...
5 Things That Are Making My Life Better – January 2024
I've been wanting to bring back this section for a while... we've had it in plenty of iterations over the years, but basically, I wanted to have a...
5 Pieces of Gear to Save on for Endurance Athletes
In the course of spending 20 years in the cycling/running journalism space, I've gotten to test a lot of gear in every price range. Some of it is...
A Few Tips for Athletes Trying Hiking or Camping Adventures
(Namely, that we are not hikers/campers. We're trying, though!) But seriously, earlier this month, we did a really fun hiking trip in our favorite...
Our Best Athletic Gear Organization Tools
Here at Consummate Athlete HQ, one of our major tenets of the Consummate Athlete lifestyle is to be able to ride, run, hike, climb, camp, whatever...
Eating for Training and Racing at a Hotel – While Staying Healthy and on Budget
If you're back to traveling for races or training camps, you may be wondering how to handle healthy (and filling) eating in a hotel. Here, we're...
Gift Guide: Budget Gifts + Stocking Stuffers for Athletes
We know that not every athlete requires a full set of athletic Christmas presents, or maybe you have a lot of friends in your run group to buy for...